Badge |
Rank |
Description |
direct Commander |
Unit Commander |
Devision |
![[Image: default.gif]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/default.gif) |
Associate |
An aspirant to joining PX, not to be associated direcly to our Order thus not incorporated in any unit. |
– |
– |
– |
![[Image: R01.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/R01.png) |
Tirones |
After the Associate has become a PX member, he is assigned to a designated training unit, Centuria (number) Socii (socii= conscripts). Here all members begin their careers in the PX Order. All equipment neccessary is provided by PX. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores |
![[Image: R02.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/R02.png) |
Discentes |
After the Promotion to Discente, he/she is transferred to another unit or if both members of the unit reach this rank at the same time the unit name will be changed, symbolising as well the transformation of the PX recruit into the PX soldier. The Tirones is transferred to, or the unit in which he/she operates will change name to Centuria (number) Hastati (the first line of defense). |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores |
![[Image: R03.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/R03.png) |
Immunes |
The member is now a more experimented PX soldier that knows the Order well and its structure of command. Although by now the soldier has mastered the basics and begins to undergo advanced training, he/she is still not permitted to engage without orders from the commanding officer. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores |
![[Image: MR01.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR01.png) |
Legionarii |
Although the Legionare is a PX soldier, he is however not a very experienced one but geting familiarised with the VHF now. Advanced tactical manouvers are introduced in training and permission to engage intruder is automatically granted. After the Legionare has met the requirements for the next rank, if conditions are met he/she can apply for the transfer to the Corpus Speculatores and/or is recommanded for promotion by his/her commanding officer. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR02.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR02.png) |
Signifer |
The Signifier is not a greenhorn anymore but a veritable fighting force. Being familiarised with the VHF and all its strong and weak points, basic and advanced combat and evasive manouvers, he/she will be a pretty efficient unit even on her/his own. Giving the fact that he/she has been trained in advanced tactical manouvers and has probably killed an intruder or two, she/he will be a formidable force when grouped with another signifier and an officer. Once this rank is achieved, the PX soldier will be transferred to, or if all members of his/her unit have reached this rank the name of the unit will change to Centuria (number) Principes (the second line of defense). |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR03.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR03.png) |
Tessariarius |
After the soldier is familiar with the coordination with other units, he/she is now ready to receive his/her first command atributes. As a result, the Tessariarius is allowed to exercise authority on lower ranking members whithin the home system. Because the Tessariarius has the duty of reporting first to system defence, if he/she consideres that optimal defence would require another member then he/she is granted the right to command another lower ranking PX member to immediately report to system defence, if this command does not conflict with any orders given to that specific member by his/her unit commander. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR04.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR04.png) |
Optio |
As a novice of command, now the member has become a Ist class soldier has familiarised himself in exercising the command atributes, these are now extended to the other systems in the absence of an officer. Although the training process is concluded, at this rank specialist training will further improve the PX soldiers’ skills, in subjects like commerce and/or basic scouting. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR05.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR05.png) |
Aquilifer |
The PX soldier now becomes a specialist in escort, freigter support, bounty collecting, commerce and/or basic scouting. Once this rank is achieved, the PX soldier will be transferred to, or if all members of his/her unit have reached this rank the name of the unit will change to Centuria (number) Rorarii (the final line of defense). This position marks the maturity of the soldier as he becomes a senior Ist class soldier, a veteran of PX. |
Centuriae |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR06.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR06.png) |
Centurion |
This marks the end of the PX soldiers’carreer and the begining of the PX officers’ carreer, being granted the privilege of commanding 2 soldiers. At the same time of attaining this rank, the PX member both receives and losses some privileges. From now on not only they will have to manage on their own but they will have to equip and support financialy at least 2 chars of each soldier member of the unit that they command. He can also file a request for aditional funds to the PX Council but this will only be allowed on special ocasions. |
Cohors |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores |
![[Image: MR07.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR07.png) |
Tribune |
The tribune is an officer that has proven himself time and again to be a successfull commander. He can command a Centuria made of 2 Centurions wich have commanded in the past but want to get on the road to Pilus Prior or soldiers that he would have to equip and support. After experiencing command, he/she now has the chance of applying for a transfer to the Legatus Praetoriae if the proper conditions are met. |
Cohors |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
![[Image: MR08.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/MR08.png) |
Pilus Prior |
The Pilus Prior rank is the highest and last of the officer ranks. Once this rank is achieved, the PX officer will be transferred to, or if all members of his/her unit have reached this rank the name of the unit will change to Centuria (number) Duplicarii (made out of officers). He/she can command this elite unit but he cannot form it him/her-self. The Pilus Prior can command a centuria made of 2-4 officers that have had their share of command and want to promote in rank in the future or soldiers that the Pilus will have to equip and support. |
Cohors |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
![[Image: KR01.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR01.png) |
Knight |
This is a very important moment in the life of a PX member, because this is the moment he enters the high officer class, being knighted. This is also the time when the PX member should begin to think about further specialisation within the Order, based on his/her own apreciation of his/her talents and skills. As a result, Knight members can take on more important roles in Legatus Pretoriae or Corpus Speculatores where they will be assisted in achieving permanent incorporation or remain in the Corpus Venatores in order to prepare for a high ranking officer career. This is the first position of superior officers, who can Command a Centuria made of 2-4 officers that want to be promoted or soldiers that they would have to equip and support, under special circumstands the Devision command will be possible. |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR02.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR02.png) |
Knight Ist Class |
At this rank the Knight will become a senior member of the Legatus Pretoriae, Corpus Speculatores or begins his career as a high ranking officer. Also, this position can command a Centuria made of Knights that prepare for their choice of specialisation or soldiers that they will have to equip and support financially and under special circumstands the Devision command will be possible. Last but not least it is here when PX members have the possibility of taking on the responsability or decision making, making it possible for them to become Concil Knights as well, if positions within the PX Council are available. |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR03.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR03.png) |
Knight Primus |
After the member has chosen one way or the other, if positions were available, he/she is now either a junior superior officer able to exercise command in the Corpus Venatores, a senior operative in the Corpus Speculatores or a well respected diplomat in the Legatus Pretoriae. This is a true specialist, the best at what she/he does able to command the Devision under special circumstands.. |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR04.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR04.png) |
Knight Senioris |
Marks the maturity of the specialist or the senior officer in the command of bigger units, he can exercise replacing the command of the Centuria Duplicarii (with common sense and politeness…this is an atribute of power that has to be exercised, so that the person will be used to it and not commit any abuse of power) also able to command the Clan under special circumstands. |
Cohors |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR05.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR05.png) |
Knight Legatus |
The Knight Legatus is the first of the senior high ranking officers, being granted the privilege of commanding a whole Cohors. At the same time, once this rank is achieved, the PX Knight will be transferred to, or if all members of his/her unit have reached this rank the name of the unit will change to Centuria (number) Praetorians, the best sub-unit in the whole Order also able to command the Clan under special circumstands. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR06.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR06.png) |
Knight Praesedi |
The senior officer is either a veteran in command by now or a veteran specialist, performing a crucial role in PX. Another key feature of this rank is that now the senior officer can directly request support units, commanding requested and given members of another PX branch directly. In order for the Knight Praesedis’orders to be mandatory, they would have to not conflict with the orders given to the specialists by their commanding officer also able to command the Clan under special circumstands. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR07.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR07.png) |
Knight of the Inner Sanctum |
This rank is one of the most difficult to obtain in the whole Order. Alot of sacrifices are required in order to get here, but also there are some very interesting rewards to those that have waited untill now, as the saying goes „good things happens to those who wait”. At this rank, the dedication, determination and courage of the PX members that get here will be rewarded accordingly. Able to command the Clan under special circumstands.. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: KR08.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/KR08.png) |
Knight Praetoris |
This is the highest position that an officer can obtain and at the same time the most difficult to get to. All the rights and privileges that come with this position are well earned by the Knight Praetoris. We have alot to thank him/her, because our Order would not be what it is today in his/her absence, as a result he/she can form Cohors in the best interests of the Order and also able to command the Clan under special circumstands.. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: CKR01.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/CKR01.png) |
Vth Council Knight |
Additional rank that are to be awarded in paralell by the PX High Council to members from Knight Ist Class and higher in paralell with voting privileges. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: CKR02.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/CKR02.png) |
IVth Council Knight |
Additional rank that are to be awarded in paralell by the PX High Council to members from Knight Ist Class and higher in paralell with voting privileges. |
Corpus Venatores, Corpus Spekulatores, Legatus Praetoriae |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: CKR03.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/CKR03.png) |
IIIrd Council Knight |
Additional rank that are to be awarded in paralell by the PX High Council to members from Knight Ist Class and higher in paralell with voting privileges. |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: CKR04.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/CKR04.png) |
IInd Council Knight |
Additional rank that are to be awarded in paralell by the PX High Council to members from Knight Ist Class and higher in paralell with voting privileges. Member of the High Council. |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
![[Image: CKR05.png]](http://px.zumreden.de/forum/uploads/awards/CKR05.png) |
First Council Knight |
Additional rank that are to be awarded in paralell by the PX High Council to members from Knight Ist Class and higher in paralell with voting privileges. Member of the High Council. |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |
Knights Assembly, High Council |