Freelancer Community Network

Category Shadow of Fear

Shadow of Fear RC3 Release

Shadow of Fear is released!

Download Shadow of Fear

Mirror #1
Mirror #2

Installation Instructions Credits
Changelog Forum Support
Shadow of Fear Chapter I Beyond Sirius a Freelancer Modification
Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating it!

Installer size 1,6 GB unpacked size 4,1 GB

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The Shadow of Fear open Beta is online

The Mods open Beta is online now.

Download Shadow of Fear Installation Instructions Credits
Changelog Forum Support
Shadow of Fear Chapter I Beyond Sirius a Freelancer Modification
Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating it!

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Shadow of Fear Location Changing

The Shadow of Fear Mod got it’s own location now.

Shadow of Fear Portal

click the pictures to visit it.

Shadow of Fear Forum

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Shadow of Fear

The Video is aviable in HD too – just switch the settings.

Visit the Forum to reserve a Beta Slot. We are starting the closed Beta soon.

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Shadow of Fear

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