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Shadow of Fear 8842 RC4 released!

Shadow of Fear’s newest Release is 8842 RC4.

RC4 was created to follow several community requests and to make the open Single Player more interesting.

We changed and added nearly 1 GB of files for RC4, which was way to big for an online update, so we decided to create a complete new version and here we are:

Download Shadow of Fear Installation Instructions Credits
Changelog Forum Support
   You may be also interested in the new SoF wiki
Shadow of Fear Chapter I Beyond Sirius a Freelancer Modification
Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating it!Installer size 1,7 GB, unpacked size including Freelancer ~ 5 GB
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Shadow of Fear RC3 Release

Shadow of Fear is released!

Download Shadow of Fear

Mirror #1
Mirror #2

Installation Instructions Credits
Changelog Forum Support
Shadow of Fear Chapter I Beyond Sirius a Freelancer Modification
Have as much fun playing SoF as we had while creating it!

Installer size 1,6 GB unpacked size 4,1 GB

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